
                                          IS  YOUR HEART HEALTHY

In February everyone tends to focus on buying gifts for that special person who has stolen their heart. But, I challenge you this February during National Heart Association Month to focus on having a good heart that is healthy enough to be stolen.

When was the last time you had your heart checked by your Physician?  If you are still pondering on that question, then it has been too long. Why wait until you are faced with pain and signs and symptoms of a possible heart disease before you see a Physician?

The way we live our lives today (not in tune with our health) can be a ticket to the grave. Everyone should strive to have a healthy heart.  Eat a balance diet, exercise and be evaluated by a Physician on a regular basis to rule out the potential of a heart attack.

Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) )is the single leading cause of death in America. CHD causes heart attack and angina(chest pain).  You can not look in the mirror and see CHD.  That is why it is vital to see your Physician on a regular basis.  

The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute recommend that you ask your Physician the following questions about heart disease:
·         What is my risk for heart disease?
·         What is my blood pressure?
·         What are my cholesterol numbers (including total cholesterol, LDL or “bad” cholesterol, HDL or “good” cholesterol, and triglycerides)?
·         What are my “body mass index” and waist measurement? Do they indicate that I need to lose weight for my health?
·         What other screening tests for heart disease do I need? How often should I return for checkups for my heart health?
·         How much physical activity do I need to help protect my heart?
·         What type of exercise should I be doing to control my risk?
·         What is a heart-healthy eating plan for me? Should I see a Registered Dietitian or qualified Nutritionist to learn more about healthy eating?
·         What types of foods will help me control my risk or disease?
·         What can I do to lower my risk of heart disease?
·         What kinds of tests are available to diagnose heart disease?
·         What are the treatment options for heart disease?
·         How can I tell if I’m having a heart attack?

Asking  your Physician the above questions can help alleviate and/or decrease the possibility of getting heart disease.  Heart disease is real and it can happen to anyone.

So, the next time you give your heart away, make sure you are giving away a heart that is healthy.

Minister Lakeba Wallace